Sanitized Air
Be the Safest Place in the Neighborhood with an Air Purification System from a licensed contractor.
Our space age technology uses patented electronics to create the safety and freshness of nature. Destroying airborne contaminants, bacteria and viral strands by purifying the air.
CDC Lab tested and confirmed.

Stop the Madness
Fear and false information has created an environment where no one really knows what is true. Our equipment is CDC lab proven to treat and protect your area and surfaces. See what we can do for you.

Back to Full Operation
How much are you losing by not having areas of your business open? What is it costing you to slow your operation for special services and cleaning rituals? Be safe and be open at the same time.

Protect Employees and Customers
By creating a sanitized air space in your location, you provide protection for not only your customers, but you and your employees as well.

Certified Space Technology by the Space Foundation.
Where does this work
Our product line has devices for almost every area that you would have to deal with. We not only work with full occupied area environment, but also items like inside your coolers and freezers, restrooms, motel rooms, ice machines even the air around your dumpster. Whatever the area, we can handle it.
Where is this installed
Method of installation is all about the application. We have equipment that is mounted in duct, stand-alone surface mounted units, wall attached units and even custom installed.
How can I know this works?
Several ways actually. We can provide an air sample culture both before and after on a test area. Or we can provide lab documentation of test results and findings for your review.
What is a sanitized environment?
A sanitized environment means that the air itself is treated and wherever the air goes, the treatment goes. In the air, under the desk, behind the shelf everywhere. This means it is not only safe for all humans and animals, but it also helps to defeat bacteria, mold and virus related toxins on surfaces as well.
Is this something new?
Not at all. The basis and patent has been in force for over 20 years. First developed for NASA, the concept has expanded to services all around the world. There are entire areas of the travel industry that has made this a focus of their client safety programs. This is proven technology for decades.

After Covid
Is your investement smart? You bet it is! When the scare of Covid is gone – or greatly lessened, what then? Sanitized Air is still in place protecting from all the other harmful bacteria, air spores and gases that have been around. Continue to protect you and those in your care against the common cold, flu, allergens, noxious odors and more.
Known Areas of Contamination
The Enviroinmental Protection Agency ranks indoor air polution at the top five environmental risks for health. They state the best way to eliminate or control the problem is by treating it at its source.

Commercial and Residential
We have equipment for both residential and commercial applications.

Efficient Operation
Low energy and low consumption equipment. You will never know it was running.

Clean. Natural. Efficient.
Space age technology that emulates the practices of nature and the natural processes designed in the human body. Our technology is available for any size location from the staff restroom to a coleseum, protect your life by purifying your environment.
Office Location
15393 ST. HWY 322 N
Call Us
(903) 235 3006